Saturday, June 21, 2003

Brooklyn Bridge Hard to Topple, see cryptome, via newthings.
So the observations take place, beginning 11:55am PDT and continuing through 12:20pm on Columbus Avenue, noon in the middle of the street. Paint orange circles indicating the tip of the TransAmeica Pyramid.

Technique is to stand in shadow, approximately two feet. At the penumbra, where the shadow of observer’s head emerges from the shadow of the tip, mark. Verify previous observations, and another observer questions whether they line up.

1pm, stand opposite fourth support of the pyramid, its center. Other observer photographs position and verifies pyramid shadow extends up the side of 500 Washington buildings. 1:10 to 1:20pm, make two observations on Hotaling.

Wednesday, June 18, 2003

Columbus Avenue is a good bet for observing the gnomon represented by the TransAmerica Pyramid during the winter months. Say 10am.
Here’s to three square miles of Berkeley and Oakland hills after the fire, complete in one page.