Friday, July 05, 2002

Pattern Language is the site that lets you design something, however humbly.

Tuesday, July 02, 2002

I've been looking at a way to schedule work. This is a system I picked up from Joel on Software where you break the various essential tasks to completion into hour-size chunks in Excel. Example:
FeatureTaskPriorityOrig. Est.Current Est.ElapsedRemain
Spell checkDialog1 8 (hrs)1284

This way, when I go through the book with missing building section, missing HVAC, missing/extra doors called out on the door schedule, missing foundation plan or whatever, at least I'll know roughly, but convincingly, what size is the heap of trouble that I have to deal with. By creating a spreadsheet like this, I can defer or avoid altogether spinning wheels on something not needed to push thing out the door.

Monday, July 01, 2002

This reference to pictures of housing is from another world.